Monday, 9 March 2015

The18-Month-old Baby found alive in river 14 hours after car crash is doing Better, says Doctor.

An 18-month-old baby girl that was found alive in a car more than 14 hours after the vehicle plunged into a river in Utah, USA, is doing better, Doctors said on sunday.
Lily was discovered by rescuers who found her , hanging upside down in her mother's smashed car. It had flipped over into a frigid Utah river half a day before, and the baby was still strapped in her seat.
As Officer Jared Warner dashed with the 18-month-old in his arms to an ambulance, she was barely alive.
Lily's mother, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, died in the crash that had landed their car on its roof in the Spanish Fork River. She was 25 years old.
 Had a man not gone fishing on that particular spot Saturday, Lily may have died.

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