Monday, 9 March 2015

Two Teenagers Suspectected of Running Away to Join ISIS Stopped at the Airport

Authorities at Sydney Airport stopped two Australian teenagers who were suspected of trying to leave the country to join ISIS.
According to the Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said on Sunday,the brothers, aged 16 and 17, raised suspicion when they attempted to pass through customs, 
the teenagers were intercepted on their way to a potentially very dangerous situation, Dutton said.
They had return tickets to unnamed "conflict zones" in the Middle East, and a luggage search heightened suspicions that they were headed abroad to fight.
The boys were later released into the custody of their parents, who were said to have no idea of their intentions.
    "These two young men...are kids, not killers," Dutton said, who added the matter had been referred to the Australian Federal Police.
    Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the brothers were Australian citizens who had been lured by a "death cult."
    Read more from CNN.

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