Sunday, 15 February 2015

Balancing your life.

           How i do it. 
Balance for me is having a uniform proportion of everything that surrounds your life. what surrounds my life might not be what surrounds your life but we all have one thing in common, that's life, and one giver,Jehovah God. having a balanced life is having a handle on all the activities you're surrounded by daily. not obsessing over anything and leaving other parts to suffer. To make it more realistic, I can say balancing life might require dividing life into two categories: the external part, and the internal. Most times people focus on one part more than the other, thereby loosing balance.
How I do it is, I consider both almost daily. I see the need to work hard/smart, think, read, write, reach out to people, be a good person, build integrity and character, being principled but I also find time to have some fun, hang out with people I confidently call my friends, have some lone party, dress nicely, take selfies and post them for you to see ,lol. chat with friends and strangers, hang out with family, have a good time. those who know me personally can attest that I love to have fun. at the same time, I take my self very seriously. So the balance is I don't let being self reflective consume me so much that I miss out on the experience of living.

 Now lets try to balance together.
* Work,challenge yourself intellectually,push yourself to achieve goals BUT you must allow your mind to rest,do not endure the process, enjoy the ride towards the big picture.
* Allocate time for the things you enjoy doing;watching TV, chatting on the phone, staying out, partying (your know better) BUT you must make sure you don't over do these things.
* Fulfill you family responsibilities BUT create healthy boundaries.
* Give love BUT you should/must receive love
* Eat, drink,rest, treat yourself to some extra yummilicious BUT never indulge in over eating or drunkenness, it shows lack of self respect and control.especially for ladies, you don't ever want to be seen that way. Remember  HOW TO BE A LADY? you must also exercise regularly to stay fit and ready for each day.
* Satisfy/fulfill you social desires/responsibilities BUT you must create time to be alone, reflect and meditate on your life. 
* We all have religious obligations, never neglect them.
Now you see friends, we can actually achieve all the social titles we want; intelligent, hot, smart, courageous, confident, sexy, fun elegant classy and all that we want people to see us as. All we need is balancing.. extreme can be detrimental.. 
Want to know more about when you're crossing the line,drop a comment through you email, and I will get back to you asap!

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