Monday, 9 February 2015

Flyness or Shyness?

So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them."
You're always saying people don't like you but people can't like something that's not there.
You need to come out and brace yourself. You need every part of you to face the world, your world!
Shyness is an enormous detriment to success. For people who share this problem, it’s important to understand the causes and work towards overcoming it.
One major cause of shyness is insecurity. If you don’t think you have anything valuable to contribute, what’s the point of risking embarrassment right? But you need to get over... it,  and recognize the merit of your own thoughts and the value they present to others. It’s ironic that the people most inclined towards shyness are often the most thoughtful. To reach your potential, you need to share yourself with the world. Your brilliant insights don’t hold any value until they’ve enlightened someone else.
Don’t keep your talent inside, share at every opportunity so it can grow and flourish.
You are bigger than you shyness, don't let it cripple you!
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