Monday, 9 February 2015


Any doctors in the house??

so many women go through this problems silently until they are able to muster the courage to visit the hospital..while some are able to do that, some others run to their social networks to cry for help,
Here is one  sisters cry for help and some 'helping' or not response she got..

Please i am a 22 yr old vagina  has been scratching and itching me since i entered the university and i have been using some creams on it which tends to calm it down a little...

Since i graduated in october i have not experienced the itching again until on Saturday....i have been scratching like a  mad woman since then....and i have also noticed a whitish discharge...please i want to know if there is any lady that has passed through this and the cream/ tablet she used on it because this cream seems not to be working on me...please doctors in the house should come to my rescue ooo before i scratch off my VayJayJay.

Hian!" this wan pass OKRIPOTO!!

Since you entered the University?and you have graduated?meaning you have been scratching  for 4 years?OMG!

You better stop self medicating and RUN OFF TO SEE A DOCTOR before you damage your reproductive organs.
Have you been having sex?You didnt say so please come into the comment section and explain yourself better.

Whilst you are at it,throw all your underwear away and get new ones - cotton!

Doctos wey una?
Obviously you have an infection. 4 years? Honestly, I hope it hasn't done any bad deed on your reproductive system. My very good friend is battling infertility due to an infection she didn't treat on time. She isn't menstruating and it's really affecting her marriage of 4 years. Please, run to a doctor.
...your comments might help others who are dying in silence.. 

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