Sunday, 22 February 2015


Life is not some where in the future waiting, life is happening now. Life is a process, not a thing. Do not say when I become this and that, then I can start living my life ideally. No life is in how you live it now. The only way to attain to life is by living it. To be able to tell yourself that you did well today, and again another day. You will know you are living when you are useful/ helpful to others. To be compassionate, to reach out eagerly without fear. I know its unrealistic, our economy does not permit us to be happy, or extend our circle of compassion beyond our immediate families, but we ought to live through our hearts, not our eyes. The key to living well despite our unfavourable economy is SIMPLICITY. Keeping our eyes simple, counting our blessings every day. I also know that it is not always as easy as it sounds, it gets so dark sometimes you cant even see the blessings and the good life you ever had, when challenges overwhelm you, and you are filled with anxiety, looks like you are going to crash, and you even prefer that, than face another day,no wonder the rate of suicide is high. For some they ask, what is his whole life about? Nothing just comes easy! And you start drowning in self pity. Interestingly everyone has had a feel of this moment, no matter how rich, famous or powerful, there's always a time you don't feel alright.

What I do in times like that is to bring my head down, think about my the experiences that are unique to me, some personal life threatening encounters I have had, the secret blessings I enjoy, I think about the people in my life who love me with their whole heart, even if I cant find any beauty outside, I reflect on the beauty of my heart,the little ways I have been able to reach out to others, and then, my heart gets filled with laughter and life becomes beautiful again.

Then I can say life is happening in me, the sweet, the bitter,the simple, the complex. I am in the process, I am living!

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