Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Things you never knew people hate about you..


Chew with your mouth closed; don’t talk with food in your mouth; keep your elbows off of the table while eating; don't make sounds with the food in your mouth  or hit cutlery against your teeth; wash your hands after going to the restroom, even kids know better—so why do I see adults exhibiting such poor behavior? If you bump into someone, say excuse me. Don’t reach across someone’s face. Don’t board a plane when they’re loading group A and you are in group D. Don’t stay behind the crosswalk when you are making a left turn and thus prevent anyone else behind you from turning. Don’t let your kids act like wild monkeys in a restaurant. Don’t touch someone’s belly when she’s pregnant–or even when she isn't. Don’t leave cupboard doors and drawers open—someone can get hurt. And don’t pull up to the exit gate in a parking lot without your ticket handy. Don't adjust your private in public, don't pick your nose in public no matter the urge, do not chew gum loud, you can never know how disgusting that can be to others around you. Don't be such a damn critic, it makes you more of a self righteous bitch than a caring friend. Don't pick people's phones and want to quickly run through their inbox or private pictures, that's sneaky.


Etiquette is more about consideration of others than it is of dos and don'ts, and these might seem like alot, but remember the basic message is to show consideration for other peoples feeling.
Do not say you don't care about etiquette, its like breaking one more rule, life itself is guarded by rules,If you live by them, every one goes home happy..

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