Sunday, 22 February 2015


 You or who is running your life? Do you take responsibility for your successes and failure? Do you have plans for your life or you are on other people's plans

Here are 6 signs to check if you're in in-charge of your life:
Do you speak up for yourself or you allow others get away with the hurtful things they say or do to you? And you get stressed out, sad and loose your power?

Do you like or value yourself or you criticize and judge yourself harshly? And then you allow the society and other people's opinion to define who you are and dictate the course of your life?

Do you feel invisible, and feel no one takes you seriously or listen to you? You feel you have no voice and for some reason people seem not to give you attention?

Do you know who you are and what you want, do you always ask yourself questions like “ what do I really want to do with my life|, what fulfills me,who am I”

Do you need other people's permission or approval before you take action, do you second guess yourself, and desperately need others to give positive feedback or stamp before you proceed with what you have started?

We all once in a while find ourselves in either one or two of this scenarios. But don't get comfortable with it, because they are clear signs that you are not properly taking charge of your life.
If you want to maintain a healthy relationship and have a healthy self esteem, you need to develop your “assertiveness muscle” be courageous, face confrontations learn how to handle conflicts and regain your respect.

You need to have your own plans, be committed and live according to them.
Improve your skills which ever way you can, have great expectations for yourself and be open to more possibilities. You are special and unique, and you have a have a life!

Identify and clearify your values, what you stand for, what you do and cant do, this will help you focus on what you really want in life and gives you a sense of direction.

Go ahead with the things that are important to you. Don't expect to be perfect from the start, you will get better in the process, let people criticize you, learn from them, ask for advice not approval, people have their own issues to deal with, you are probably the least of their worries, so don't mortgage your life for approval you may never get.                     

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