Friday 15 May 2015

Mark Zukerberg adding more billions to his networth

Mark Zuckerberg celebrated his 31st birthday with a billion dollar gift - $1.2billion, to be exact.
Facebook's shares jumped $2.93 yesterday to $81.37, translating into a billion dollar gain for it's founder and CEO, who happens to own 426.3 million of them.
The stock's rise was the cherry on top of Zuckerberg's 30th year, which saw his shares jump $9.4billion in value in addition to his $610,455 annual salary, according to USA Today Money.

But although his net worth is estimated to be around $35billion, you won't find Zuckerberg, who owns 15 percent of Facebook's shares, planning any grand birthday celebrations. Hehehe, definitely not an African man, with such achievement at such young age, ' people go hear am o'. Lol..
Zuckerberg plans to just have a quiet dinner at home with his wife Priscilla, he said during a town hall question and answer session at the Menlo Park, California headquarters on Thursday.
'I'm a low-key birthday person,' he said, according to USA Today. 'I get too much attention the rest of the time.'