We all know our phones and social networking, TV and all its channels are very helpful to us in many ways. But with more and more competition among channels, and these social network media, they have all turned into tools for a waste of time and money. However, very few people watch TV or use phones and social networks for beneficial reasons. Most of us just watch TV and use our phones to relieve stress, as a habit or for entertainment. While there is nothing wrong with these things, when you become addicted to TV or social networks or generally surfing the internet without any beneficial goal, you waste your most important time on reality shows, gossip, seeking approval by posting and removing display pictures, and getting nonsense news rather than on productive things. And if you are like most people who are addicted to these platforms and want an alternative to break your habit, here are some alternate things you can do instead of sitting on the couch watching TV or pinging.
1. Read a book/newspaper. Read an interesting book, something to help your personal growth or at least something you’ll learn one or two things related to your area of interest. Read a newspaper, it will help you focus on the news you're searching for and also improve you reading habit. s. This way, you’ll learn more about the real world surrounding you rather than just virtual world.
2. Clean/organize your home. Your home is your heaven. There is no place on Earth as good as your own home. We feel the safest in the world at this place. So why not take some time and clean our homes ourselves instead of sitting in your couch, and if it’s already clean, then organize it. If that’s also done, then de-clutter and remove things you don’t want. You’ll be more relieved when you own fewer things. Clean, organized and few things will help you focus on other important things in your life.

4. Visit someone. Visit a relative or a friend of yours. Calling on the phone and visiting someone actually is a lot different. This way of approaching people, just to know about their lives or to know about their health matters a lot to them. Don’t procrastinate. It’ll compensate 10 times more than your missed TV shows or sitting with your phone all day chatting with people you will probably end up not feeling about.
5. Teach someone what you know. No matter how dumb you think you are, you can always teach someone something that you know,you can develop a passion, be good at it and pass it on. whether it be cooking or teaching on a particular school subject. If you think you are not smart enough to teach, think again. You can always teach people younger than you about what you've learned till now. Don’t hold yourself back. Go out there and make a difference. Your confidence will sky rocket once you do this and it’s very easy.
Make that bold move in your business, or take a courageous step in face of uncertainty. I know that will not take 2-3 hours but the amount of preparation you’ll need to take these steps will definitely cost you hours, as you’ll be acting against your comfort zone. But that time invested in fear and acting against it will take you far ahead in life.
I hope this helps in the course of changing and making your life more productive over a course of few months/years.
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