Saturday, 14 February 2015

Do you feel paralyzed by life's challenges

Most of us are faced with so many uncertainties about life.some times we get so scared that it is day break, for another full day . maybe its a Sunday night for those who have regular jobs, but struggle through it. but that's even better, because some don't even have a regular job, and every day that passes fills their heart with fear,and uncertainties . you're getting older,yet you don't feel like you have started living, you don't know where to start from, you have graduated from school, yet no (good) job is coming by. you're broke and getting desperate. But then yours is even better, what about those who do not have a certificate, probably didn't go to school or dropped out for a reason, it looks like they don't stand a chance right? they are not so young to go back, or start any academic pursuit. or maybe they are even ready to start, but admission  or money is holding them back, does it mean they do not have a case?
Should you accept your situation and create a status out of it? you want to get married so at least you are not jobless and single,and because marriage comes with a little excitement which might take people's attention from you at least for a while before you put yourself together, yet all you need to be married is not readily available. now its either no job, no suitable partner, no satisfactory income or no major fulfillment and you're frustrated inside, not everyone can see it. a lot happens to us that break us into a million pieces, and its hard to tell a tragic story of yourself except you have a backup success story right? but trust me, everyone at some point has had a feel of the harsh clutches of life's uncertainties, but what is most important is the HOW TO MOVE FORWARD IN UNCERTAINTY..i will show you a few how, then you can send me a
personal email about your position and i will get back to you asap..
1. You have to accept that failure or uncertainties are all natural part of life.
2. you must be ready to move out of your comfort zone. That means doing things that are not naturally easy for you, you must be willing to stretch and let go some pride, and face your fears. must open up your mind to some sort of universal help. You can not control or totally explain everything that happens to you, you have to some how get up from the position you are in at this moment and expect something better to happen. The moment your belief kicks in, you will start to feel better, don't stop there, start thinking of something within your natural competence then add extra effort. Give yourself a task and complete it. just make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens.
4. keep moving forward. don't let discouragement set in, and let yourself settle for less.
Your life is not the same as it was last year, nor will it be the same tomorrow. When you make an intentional choice to embrace uncertainty, you take back your power. Not only will you be at peace with what may come, you will also have released your attachment to things going exactly as planned.
Nothing beats uncertainty like facing your fears. Moving forward brings you face to face with risk but also with hope.
I hope there's a little breath of relief and you can feel free to drop a comment or send a mail to my personal mail box. 

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