Saturday 25 April 2015

Quit being so needy and clingy, life's bitch

I was doing a research on public view of needy or clingy people, as I was getting concerned about my personal irritation of clingy ladies and guys. For me, being clingy and too needy does not look good on anyone, be it a girl or a guy, in a relationship or not. It’s plainly annoying. And I think a lot of people agree with me on this too. For example, a lady who wrote about how independent women are more attractive to men, shared this
“As a woman who’s experienced her fair share of personal tragedy and failed relationships, I feel very strongly that a woman should be completely independent of her man.

I don’t mean that you should never let a man do anything for you. Independence to me means being able to take care of my own needs in a healthy manner, with or without a man. Independence promotes self-worth and self-esteem. It also gives you the confidence to walk away from an unfulfilling or abusive relationship”.

That is true. Healthy, confident and secure men are usually attracted to confidence and independence in a woman, before any other thing. And like wise women. Only insecure people look for their type. Clingy, needy, overly submissive, lonely and always need someone to talk to, always a ‘damsel in distress’ waiting for rescue. This does not refer to ladies only, some men act that too, clingy and all, and cover manning up with loving up. How more annoying could that be?

I certainly don’t want to attract a man like that, and I don’t expect anyone to. Both sexes. We all got to get up, be strong, and stand for something.  Else we should get used to being the all cried out, all dried out doormat or discard when he or she trades you for a hotter model.

You don’t want to be in Ciara’s bet you will start loving me lyrics. Great song, but I hate sad stories. Our world is dangerous and unsafe, economy is tough, and so you've got to get up, be strong, be smart, go beyond success and get fulfillment!