Sunday 22 February 2015




The Golden rule looks like it was made for people, for example it encourages you to help your neighbours, treat your family with kindness, you go the extra mile for your co-workers, you help a stranger in need.
But the golden rule in itself was made for, centers around bringing you deep happiness.
Now, those actions will undoubtedly be good for the people you help and are kind to … but you’ll also notice a strange thing. People will treat you better too, certainly. Beyond that, though, you will find a growing satisfaction in yourself, a belief in yourself, a knowledge that you are a good person and a trust in yourself.

Those are not small dividends. They are huge. Our world will be a better place if we all can abide by this rule in all we do, to consider the negative result of our actions, our littlest actions on the people around us. I preach self love, and the only way to attain self love, true happiness and deep joy in our hearts is to treat the people around us with utmost love and kindness.
There might be some arguments about this but the truth is the truth. You can never be really happy, when others around you are miserable. You don't necessarily have to be the cause, to show some kindness, put a smile on someone's face everyday, and see how your every day turns out.
 Start from your home, extend it to your neighbours, your co-workers and your community will be a better place.
Here are ways to live by the golden rule:

Practice empathy : . Make it a habit to try to place yourself in the shoes of another person. Any person. Loved ones, co-workers, people you meet on the street. Really try to understand, to the extent that you can, what it is like to be them, what they are going through, and why they do what they do.

Practice compassion. Once you can understand another person, and feel what they’re going through, learn to want to end their suffering. And when you can, take even a small action to somehow ease their suffering in some way.

How would you want to be treated? The Golden rule doesn't really mean that you should treat someone else exactly as you’d want them to treat you … it means that you should try to imagine how they want to be treated, and do that. So when you put yourself in their shoes, ask yourself how you think they want to be treated. Ask yourself how you would want to be treated if you were in their situation

Be friendly. When in doubt, follow this tip. It’s usually safe to be friendly towards others. Of course, there are times when others just don’t want someone acting friendly towards them, and you should be sensitive to that. 

Be helpful. This is probably one of the weaknesses of our society. Sure, there are many people who go out of their way to be helpful, and I applaud them. But in general there is a tendency to criticize others, whether it’s people we know or people we see on television. However, ask yourself if you would like to be criticized in that person’s situation. The answer is almost always “no”. So hold back your criticism, and instead learn to interact with others in a positive way.
    Don’t control others. It’s also rare that people want to be controlled. Trust me. So don’t do it. This is a difficult thing, especially if we are conditioned to control people. But when you get the urge to control, put yourself in that person’s shoes. You would want freedom and trust, wouldn't you? Give that to others then.
Rise above retaliation. We have a tendency to strike back when we’re treated badly. This is natural. Resist that urge. The Golden Rule isn't about retaliation. It’s about treating others well, despite how they treat you. Does that mean you should be a doormat? No … you have to assert your rights, of course, but you can do so in a way where you still treat others well and don’t strike back just because they treated you badly first..

you can add more to this list.. lets together create happy lives to keep to yourself, and to ignore the problems of others. Don’t be blind to the needs and troubles of others. Look to help even before you’re asked